Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our Christmas

This year, we couldn't get enough lights in. We decided to go to the Zoo Lights for the first time. I must say, I was impressed. When we first arrived the zoo parking lot was full, so I was a bit worried, until I saw the sign for overflow parking. It turned out to be a good thing, though, because the kids had the experience of riding on a city bus and the bus dropped us off right at the zoo entrance. The lights and the bus were a joined adventure for the kids.

Who can celebrate Christmas without eating cookies? Madeline ate as she frosted. Maybe next year, she'll have the willpower to actually wait until it's time to eat the cookies...of course if she takes after her mom, maybe not.

Every Christmas Eve we sing numerous songs, like 'Away in a Manger', 'Silent Night', and so on. In conjunction with the singing we read from the Bible about the Birth of Jesus. Joshua was Joseph, Madeline was Mary, Cameron was a Wiseman, and Zachary was a Shephard. Madeline must have realized the grandeur of her roll and took her part with much importance.

And the stockings were hung on the stairwell with care.......

Madeline unwrapped her big gift with great excitement! We didn't capture a great picture, but she absolutely loves to play with this doll house.

We couldn't get enough Temple Lights! We went back with Mike's parents and it was really nice.

Unbelievable!!! Cameron was a bit dissapointed on Christmas morning when there was no snow. He had specifically asked Santa for snow and he was very very sad, so sad in fact that he said he was going to sue Santa! Where does he learn these things? The next day we went outside and low and behold SNOW! Our neighbor had a truck full of it! It had snowed in the mountains on his way down to the valley. Cameron made a snow ball and yes, it is STILL in our freezer.

We went with Mike's parents to visit the History Museum here. The boys had a fabulous time panning for gold.

1 comment:

julie herrell said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas season. We went to the temple lights too - love the beauty there. Wow snow! How fun.